How To Get Ahold Of Manga For Free In Lorem Ipsum

What Is Lorem Ipsum, Exactly? Lorem Ipsum is the printing and typesetting industry's dummy text. Since the 1500s, when an unknown printer scrambled a galley of type to construct. And a type specimen book, Lorem...

Vol. 1 Of World Piece: The Western Manga Fails To Live Up To Its...

World Piece has basketball-playing kung-fu robots and a shrinking Earth, but it falls short of the manga that inspired it. World Piece Vol. 1, a fun adventure through a sci-fi world of robots, basketball, and...

Beginners’ Manhuas: 5 Essentials

Here are five of the finest ways to get started with manhuas, as well as where to find them. Manhua is the Chinese version of manga and manhwa, and it's making its way into English-speaking...

Top 5 Best Animated Series Of The 2000s

Let's talk about the best-animated series of the 2000s. Many of them are well preserved, others after a while are not so interesting to watch. Some of them appeared earlier, but they achieved fame...
dc universe

Universe Of A Madman DC Universe

Now the world's attention is riveted on Joaquin Phoenix and his grandiose role in the movie "Joker". This piece gave us something that no one previously tried to offer fans of the DC universe....

loving manga heroines

Often, works of popular culture support the stereotype of a "stupid heroines in love" who is ready to do anything for the attention of a boy. This is especially true for Japanese comics, in...

Fight Like a Girl: 3 Comic Superheroines

In the era of feminism, almost everyone knows that running or fighting like a girl is no longer an insult. In this article, we have collected comic superheroines, whose strength and agility can only...
walt disney

Outstanding Work By Studios Of Walt Disney 

What do you name the wonderful feeling that comes over you because you view Walt Disney films? Nostalgia, perhaps? Is there newfound confidence in miracles? Whatever that is, Disney's works is a lot of...

Ten Reasons Why You Might Watch Anime

Anime is also one of those sources of music that some people appear to be wary about. We didn't normally watch anime Dragon Ball Z or Sailor Moon after school when we were youngsters,...

Blood Flows Cold: A Collection Of The Spookiest Motion Comic Episodes

All comic episodes appeared to us as children to be brighter but more thrilling when they actually were. Jokes seem to be more engaging, heroes are more entertaining, and somber moments are much darker....